Towards wire-like nanoscale anodeelectrodes manufactured through magnetic-field-induced synthesis-尊龙凯时新闻中心网站


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Towards wire-like nanoscale anodeelectrodes manufactured through magnetic-field-induced synthesis

发布日期:2018-11-14     作者:尊龙凯时物理学院      编辑:赵阳     点击:

报告题目:Towards wire-like nanoscale anodeelectrodes manufactured through magnetic-field-induced synthesis

报告人: Marcin Krajewski

Institute of FundamentalTechnological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Pawinskiego 5B,02-106, Poland.




Forages, the magnetic field has been recognized as either an intrinsic materialproperty or a parameter which describes the magnetic interactions betweenmaterials. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the magnetic field can bealso treated as a reaction parameter, similar to conventional reactionconditions i.e. temperature, pressure, time, and chemical additives [1]. Ingeneral, this kind of processes are called as a magnetic-field-induced (MFI) synthesis and are commonly applied in orderto produce various magnetic wire-like nanostructures.

So far, it has been proventhat the MFI processes can be successfully applied in the manufacturing of differentmetallic and alloy wire-like nanomaterials, including: iron nanowires [2],cobalt nanowires [3], nickel nanowires [4], and nickel-cobalt nanowires [5,6]. Infact, most of these materials reveal the characteristic morphologies i.e. theyare composed of straight chains of nanoparticles. These segmented structuresdeliver high specific surface area. Another interesting feature of thewire-like nanomaterials obtained in the MFI syntheses is that they can beeasily oxidized. This process usually leads to the formation of the core-shellnanostructures consisting of the metallic or alloy core and oxide shell. Infact, such structures can serve as promising anode electrodes in the energystorage devices, including: Li-ion and Na-ion batteries as well assupercapacitors.


[1] M. Krajewski, Nanoscale 9(2017) 16511–16545.

[2] M. Krajewski, W.S.Lin, H.M. Lin, K. Brzozka, S. Lewinska, N. Nedelko, A. Slawska-Waniewska, J.Borysiuk, D. Wasik, Beilstein J.Nanotechnol. 6 (2015) 1652–1660.

[3] M.D.L. Balela, S.Yagi, E. Matsubara, J. Electrochem. Soc.158 (2011) D210–D216.

[4] M. Li, K.N. Xie, J.W.Ye, Y.Z. Wu, L. Li, Mater. Sci. Technol. 30 (2014) 712–714.

[5] M. J. Hu, B. Lin, S.H.Yu, Nano Res. 1 (2008) 303–313.

[6] M.Z. Wu, G.Q. Liu, M.T.Li, P. Dai, Y.Q. Ma, L. D. Zhang, J.Alloys Compd. 491 (2010) 689–693.




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