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Ultrasonic waves for non-destructive evaluation and structuralhealth monitoring

发布日期:2019-01-04     作者:物理学院      编辑:杨飞     点击:

报告题目:Ultrasonic waves for non-destructive evaluation and structuralhealth monitoring

报告人:Tribikram Kundu

Professor of Civil and ArchitecturalEngineering and Mechanics

Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

University of Arizona




Use of ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves(such as THz radiation) is continuously increasing for nondestructiveevaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) in aerospace, civil,electrical, mechanical and biomedical engineering applications. Between bulk waves and guided waves thelatter has become more popular for NDE/SHM applications because the guidedwaves can propagate long distances and reach regions that are difficult toaccess otherwise. Recent advances inresearch related to NDE and SHM of various engineering and biological materialsand structures using ultrasonic guided waves and electromagnetic waves will bediscussed with experimental results. Toanalyze the experimental results often one needs to understand the mechanics ofwave propagation in complex problem geometries.Structures with internal defects are difficult to solve analytically ornumerically by the popular finite element method because the size of theindividual elements and time steps required become prohibitively small at highfrequencies. An alternative mesh-freetechnique called the distributed point source method (DPSM) has been developedfor solving such problems and will be presented along with the experimentalresults.

Brief Bio:Professor Tribikram Kundu received his bachelor degree in MechanicalEngineering from IIT Kharagpur in 1979; there he was the winner of thePresident of India Gold Medal (PGM) for ranking first among all graduatingengineers. He went to UCLA for graduate study. After completing MS and PhD andwinning the outstanding graduate student award from UCLA he joined theUniversity of Arizona as an Assistant Professor in 1983, and was promoted toFull Professor in 1994. He was distinguished as a Faculty Fellow for researchin the College of Engineering in 2012. To date he has supervised 39 PhD (34 atUA) and 28 MS (27 at UA) students, published 9 books, 18 book chapters and 333technical papers; 168 of those in refereed scientific journals. According toGoogle Scholar his h-index is 42, with 6352 total citations. He won theHumboldt Research Prize (Senior Scientist Award) and Humboldt Fellowship awardsfrom Germany, 2012 NDE Life Time Achievement Award from SPIE (the InternationalSociety for Optics and Photonics), 2015 Research Award for Sustained Excellencefrom ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Testing), 2015 LifetimeAchievement Award and 2008 Person of the Year Award from the Structural HealthMonitoring journal. He received a number of Invited Professorships from France,Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, South Korea, Singapore, Poland, China,Japan, Italy and India. He is Fellow of 5 professional societies - ASME, ASCE,SPIE, ASNT and ASA. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the ASME Journal ofNondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systemsand Associate Editor of Ultrasonics journal. He served as Associate Editor of 3other journals.




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