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Additive Manufacturing Developments and Materials

发布日期:2019-03-20     作者:机械与航空航天工程学院      编辑:赵阳     点击:

报告题目: Additive Manufacturing Developments and Materials

报 告 人:David L. Bourell




报告人简介:Dr. David L. Bourell is the Temple FoundationProfessor of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr.Bourell's areas of research include particulate processing with emphasis onsintering kinetics and densification, and materials issues associated withLaser Sintering (LS). Professor Bourell is a leading expert in advancedmaterials for Laser Sintering, having worked in this area since 1988. Dave wasthe lead author on the original materials patent for LS technology. Issuing in1990, this patent has been cited by over 200 other patents, and it representsthe original intellectual property for mixed and coated powders for LS,including binders. Since 1995, he has chaired the organizing committee for theAnnual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An AdditiveManufacturing Conference. This meeting is a leading research conference onadditive manufacturing and is the oldest, continuously running conference on AMin the world. He holds 9 primary patents dealing with materials innovations inLS dating back to 1990 and has published 250 papers in journals, conferenceproceedings and book chapters. He is a founding member of the ASTM F42Technical Committee on Additive Manufacturing and currently serves on theten-member ASTM/ISO Joint Group 51 on Terminology for AM. Dr. Bourell is a Fellow of ASM Internationaland TMS, and he is also a lifetime member of TMS. In 2009, he received the TMSMaterials Processing and Manufacturing Division DistinguishedScientist/Engineer Award. In 2017, he received the Society of ManufacturingEngineers Albert M. Sargent Progress Award for “significant accomplishments inthe field of manufacturing processes”.

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