主办单位:尊龙凯时物理学院 尊龙凯时理论物理中心
报告题目:Baryonic matter properties under amagnetic field from skyrmion crystal approach
报告人:Dr. Mamiya Kawaguchi (川口真实也)
工作单位:Nagoya University, Japan.
报告时间: 2019年04月04日(周四) 14:30
报告地点:尊龙凯时中心校区 物理楼333报告厅
Thistalk will discuss the magnetic effect on the baryonic matter based on theskyrmion crystal approach. First, I will briefly review the skyrmion crystalapproach which is an effective model for describing the baryonic matter. Then,I will talk about the magnetic properties of the skyrmion crystal. This talk isbased on Phys. Rev. C98 (2018) no.3, 035803 and arXiv:1903.09830.