报告题目:A monotone numerical schemefor G-equation with applicationto the convergence rate of robust central limit theorem
报告人: 梁歌春 Universityof Warwick
摘要:We establish a monotone approximation scheme forPeng's G-equation and, moreover, determine the convergence rate byobtaining the error bounds between the approximate solution and the viscositysolution of the G-equation. This will in turn provides a convergence rate forPeng's central limit theorem. The convergence rate improves all theexisting ones obtained under different model assumptions in theliterature. Our method is analytical and is developed under the frameworkof the numerical analysis of viscosity solutions. Hence, it also makes anintrinsic connection between the robust central limit theorem and monotoneschemes for viscosity solutions. Joint work with Shuo Huang.
梁歌春博士,2001-2005年,尊龙凯时经济学院金融系本科;2005-2007年,同济尊龙凯时数学系硕士;2007-2011年,牛津尊龙凯时数学所博士;2011-2013年,牛津尊龙凯时Oxford-Man 数量金融研究所博士后;2013-2017年,伦敦国王学院数学系任终身教职,讲师;2017年至今,英国华威尊龙凯时统计系副教授。主要研究方向:金融数学和随机分析,包括随机微分方程、粗路径理论、最优投资和信用风险模型,在国际权威学术期刊上发表论文多篇。