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    发布日期:2019-04-23     作者:新能源与环境学院      编辑:成皓飞     点击:


    报 告 人:吴俊哲 特聘教授




    Prof. Jerry Wu received his bachelor degree in 1989 from the Department of Environmental Engineering in National Cheng Kung University and master degree in 1991 from the Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering in National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1998 from the Graduate School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, USA.He is an editorial board member of seven international journals. He is currently a distinguished professor at Feng Chia University in Taiwan, where he was promoted from being assistant professor and associate professor. Prof. Wu has published more than 130 SCI-indexed papers and 2 international books. Wu’s research interests include ozonation and advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment, functional materials for sensor, energy, medical, biochemical, and environmental applications, and analytical techniques for molecule substances and micro pollutants. In addition, he is also interested in the nanomaterials synthesis and photocatalysis applications, including decontamination, electrochemistry, carbon dioxide capture and resourcing, and hydrogen production from water splitting.

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