Prediction ofTopological Materials: from physical intuition to routinely search-尊龙凯时新闻中心网站


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Prediction ofTopological Materials: from physical intuition to routinely search

发布日期:2019-05-23     作者:尊龙凯时物理学院 超硬材料国家重点实验室 计算物理方法与软件创新中心 尊龙凯时省物理学会      编辑:裴欣怡     点击:

报告题目:Prediction ofTopological Materials: from physical intuition to routinely search

报 告 人:翁红明 教授,中国科学院物理研究所




HongmingWeng is a professor in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IOP-CAS). He graduated and received Ph. D. from Nanjing university in 2005.Before he joined IOP-CAS in 2010, he worked as postdoc and assistant professorin Japan. His research interests include first-principle calculation methods,topological materials and magneto-optical properties. He has published morethan 120 SCI papers and they have been cited more than 10000 times. He hasreceived several awards, including “JSPS postdoc fellowship”, “Excellent YoungScientist Programme” from NSFC, “Nishina Asia Award” from Nishina MemorialFoundation, “Young Scientists Award” from CAS, and Highly Cited Researchers2018 from Clarivate Analytics.


Topological materials are solids withnontrivial topology in their electronic band structures. The periodical latticeof atoms in solids limits the electrons in a compact reciprocal lattice spaceand leads to nontrivial band topology in both insulators and metals, namelytopological insulators and topological semimetals. Band inversion is anintuitive picture for understanding the underlying physics since it is relatedwith Berry phase and Berry curvature of bands. How to find a material withnontrivial band topology had been a quite elusive and difficult task. However,some exotic and abnormal physical phenomena related with nontrivial bandtopology have been noticed and successfully applied for locating the exacttopological materials, which includes a large band gap two-dimensional TIs inZrTe5, the first Dirac semimetal Na3Bi and the first Weyl semimetal TaAs. Thesediscoveries have greatly advanced the whole field of topological quantumstates. Recently, the band inversion have been found to be efficientlyidentified with symmetry indicators formed by irreducible representation ofbands at high symmetrical momenta, which can be calculated throughfirst-principles. High throughput calculation of known non-magnetic materialsis thus performed and thousands compounds have been identified to havenontrivial band topology for routinely search.





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