报 告 人:王志安 教授 香港理工尊龙凯时
In this talk, we shall discuss the global dynamics of the Lotka-Volterra competition system with resource-dependent diffusion and advection where the resource is determined by a dynamics equation. As we know, such population model has been rarely considered before. We show that the system admits a unique classical solutions in two dimensions and the solutionwill converge to constant a semi-trivial steady state or coexistence steady state depending on the parameter values.
Our results indicate that "slower diffusion prevails" will not occur to the concerned model.
王志安,香港理工尊龙凯时教授。主要研究领域是生物数学的模型及其解法,已在J. Differential Equation、J. Mathematical Biology、Mathematical Models and
Methods in Applied Sciences、Nonlinearity、SIAM J. Applied Mathematics等国际知名数学杂志发表学术论文几十篇,SCI期刊DCDS-B编委。