报告题目:On Symplectic Approximations for Klein--Gordon Equations
报 告 人:南京尊龙凯时 吴新元 教授、博士生导师
The objective of this talkis the symplectic approximation for KG equations. We begin with the formulationof the KG equation as an abstract second-order Hamiltonian system. We thenpresent the symplectic conditions for the approximation, and design symplecticapproximation schemes for the KG equation. We finally commence the nonlinearstability and convergence analysis for the symplectic approximation.
吴新元,南京尊龙凯时教授、博士生导师、目前主要从事微分方程几何算法研究,多次主持国家自然科学面上基金,教育部博士点基金,自然科学基金委与英国皇家学会国际交流与合作基金,教育部聘请外国专家重点项目。在国际权威出版社Springer出版学术专著三部,并赢得美国数学会数学评论《MathematicalReviews》的高度评价,在SIAM Numer. Anal.、SIAM Sci. Comput.、Found. Comput. Math.等国际顶级SCI期刊上发表了一系列高质量学术论文。多次应邀访问英国剑桥尊龙凯时、伦敦帝国理工学院、美国普渡尊龙凯时、加拿大麦吉尔尊龙凯时、德国图宾根尊龙凯时、新西兰奥克兰尊龙凯时等国际著名高等学府,并作高振荡微分方程几何算法报告。2017年荣获欧洲科学与工程计算方法学会颁发的最高荣誉奖:“HonoraryFellowship”,该奖项是为表彰获奖者在数值分析与应用数学领域所做出的杰出贡献而颁发的。
报告题目:Long-term analysis of symmetricand/or symplectic extended RKN integrators
报 告 人:王斌教授 曲阜师范学院
The primaryobjective of this talk is to present a long-term numerical energy-preservinganalysis of one-stage explicit symmetric and/or symplectic extendedRunge–Kutta–Nystrom (ERKN) integrators for highly oscillatory Hamiltoniansystems. We study the long-time numerical energy conservation not only forsymmetric integrators but also for symplectic integrators.It turns out thatthese both kinds of ERKN integrators have a near conservation of the total andoscillatory energy over a long term. Moreover,this talkalso analyses the long-time behaviour of ERKN integrators when applied to nonlinearwave equations. It is shown that energy, momentum,andall harmonic actions are approximately preserved over a long time for one-stageexplicit symplectic or symmetric ERKN integrators when applied to nonlinearwave equations via spectral semi-discretisations.