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      High-pressure research from novelmaterials synthesis to planetary interiors

      发布日期:2019-06-28     作者:物理学院      编辑:万贺凝     点击:


      Carnegie Institution of Washington,Washington, DC, USA

      报告摘要:High-pressure techniques are powerfultools to explore new materials and novel properties at high pressure andtemperature. There are significant advances in static and dynamic compressiontechniques in recent years. I use a range of static and dynamic high-pressuretechniques to investigate matters under extreme conditions. I will discuss myrecent work on mesoporous materials at high pressure, finding new pathways fornano-casting and synthesis of nanocrystals of superhard materials; and on thecomposition of planetary cores, presenting an integrated approach toexperimentally constrain the light elements in the core from geochemical andgeophysical data.

      报告人简介:Yingwei Fei received his Ph.D. from CityUniversity of New York (1989). He joined the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1988, and is now a senior staff scientistat the Institution. He is also an adjunct professor at the Department ofGeology, University of Maryland, and at the Peking University. He has publishedover 200 research papers and edited 2 books, including 13 publications inScience and Nature. He received Hou Defeng Medal from Chinese Academy ofSciences in 1990, Mineralogical Society of America Award (1999), and CrosbyVisiting Lectureship from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2000). He waselected as AGU Fellow (2010) for his pioneering work in mineral and rockphysics, discoveries of new phases, and simulation of deep Earth and Marsprocesses using a variety of high-pressure experiments. He is also a GeochemistryFellow (2013) by the Geochemical Society (GS) and the European Association ofGeochemistry (EAG) for his major contribution to the field of geochemistry.







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