报 告 人:李献国 教授
报告题目:Properties of Hydrogen as Fuel
Increased energy use has exacerbated emissions impacting the environment, society and economy, with global climate change as the most worrisome of all undesirable impacts. In this presentation, hydrogen will be introduced as a clean energy carrier (fuel) as an essential component of future sustainable energy systems. For this purpose, the origin of hydrogen will be briefly reviewed, and the physical/chemical properties of hydrogen will be presented that are inherently related to the characteristics and attributes of hydrogen as a fuel. Various forms of hydrogen production methods will be described and life cycle energy efficiency for automotive applications will be assessed. Pros and cons of hydrogen as a clean fuel will be discussed so that a judicious decision could be made for hydrogen as a potential clean fuel.
李献国,是加拿大滑铁卢尊龙凯时机械与机电工程系教授、加拿大工程院院士、国际氢能协会燃料电池分会主席。发表论文200多篇,出版专著4部,其代表著作有《Principles of fuel cells》。现担任与燃料电池、能源系统有关的多家期刊的编委、主编,同时也担任加拿大政府及多家国际组织的科学顾问。
李献国教授研究领域涉及热流体/科学,主要包括energy systems and energy storage, various energy conversion devices, propulsion and power generation systems, aerosol generation and applications, and transportation fuel cell and battery systems。