报告题目:large dimensional factor anlaysis without moment constraint
报 告 人:孔新兵 教授 南京审计尊龙凯时
Large-dimensional factormodel has drawn much attention in the big-data era, in order to reduce thedimensionality and extract underlying features using a few latent commonfactors. Conventional methods for estimating the factor model typicallyrequires finite fourth moment of the data, which ignores the effect ofheavy-tailedness and thus may result in unrobust or even inconsistentestimation of the factor space and common components. In this paper, we proposeto recover the factor space by performing principal component analysis to thespatial Kendall's tau matrix instead of the sample covariance matrix. In asecond step, we estimate the factor scores by the ordinary least square (OLS)regression. Theoretically, we show that under the elliptical distributionframework the factor loadings and scores as well as the common components canbe estimated consistently without any moment constraint. The convergence ratesof the estimated factor loadings, scores and common components are provided.The finite sample performance of the proposed procedure is assessed throughthorough simulations. An analysis of a macroeconomic dataset finds new factorsin contrasting with existing results using PCA.