报告题目:Phase transition in three flavor QCDwith background magnetic field
报告时间: 2019年09月24日15:00
摘要:In this talk, I introduce a phase transition in threeflavor QCD under strong magnetic field. We investigate the order of thistransition using unimproved and highly improved staggered quarks (HISQ). Wediscuss the dependences of chiral condensates and susceptibilities and thePolyakov loop on the volume, quark mass and the magnitude of magnetic field.The lattice simulations are performed with several spatial sizes and a fixedtemporal size Nt= 4 (Nt=6 for HISQ). The value of the quark masses are chosensuch that the system undergoes crossover with zero magnetic field in bothformulations. We find that for the standard staggered quarks, the quark chiralcondensate undergoes magnetic catalysis in the whole temperature region and thephase transition becomes stronger as the magnetic field increases. The Bindercumulant supports this observation. For the HISQ action, the inverse magneticcatalysis is observed in the critical temperature region and the phasetransition tends to become stronger as the magnetic field increases. However,the Binder cumulant does not shows any criticality even for our strongestmagnetic field.