报告题目: Knowledge-driven Cyberinfrastructure for Geospatial Innovation
报 告 人:李文雯 博士
This talk introduces the outcome of a NSF CAREER project that aims at establishing a knowledge-driven cyberinfrastructure for geospatial innovation. Different from traditional CyberGIS platforms, which are largely HPC centered or data-driven, this new infrastructure intends to integrate machine intelligence into problem solving environment to further accelerate the knowledge discovery process. There are three essential components in such a knowledge infrastructure: a data discovery component which supports large-scale web crawling to identify geospatial datasets; a smart workflow chaining mechanism to support intelligent question answering related to space and time; and a cyber-visualization component to support on-the-fly rendering of big spatial data and online spatiotemporal analytics. These components are seamlessly integrated into a cyberinfrastructure platform using service-oriented approach to enable collaborative decision-making. We have successfully applied the solution framework into problem solving at the poles, since the polar regions are one of the Earth remaining grand frontiers, they are the key moderator of the global climate and currently at high risk of the global change. We expect this work to not only advance geospatial sciences but also improve our understanding of the polar system and its impact on the environment, people, and the society through geospatial innovation.
李文雯,现任亚利桑那州立尊龙凯时(ASU)地理科学与城市规划学院副教授(终身教授)、博士生导师、 ASU可持续发展中心资深科学家、计算机系联合教授、ASU巴雷特荣誉学院荣誉教授,网络信息基础设施与智能计算实验室主任(http://cici.lab.asu.edu),空间信息科学研究中心副主任。主要研究方向为WebGIS、时空大数据、人工智能与知识挖掘,以及科学可视化。研究成果广泛应用在土地利用和土地覆盖变化、北极气候变化、生物量估算、地貌特征提取等多个地球科学和社会科学领域。在ASU任职期间参与超1000万美元的科研项目, 其中主持多项美国自然科学基金,作为第一项目负责人总获奖金额超过200万美元。在诸多知名国际GIS及遥感杂志上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文50篇。担任多个GIS杂志的特邀编辑,并于2012-2013担任美国地理人协会Cyberinfrastructure特别工作组主席;美国自然科学基金、加拿大政府创新基金、荷兰太空署、德国研究基金、奥地利科学基金的特邀项目评审专家。美国自然科学基金(NSF)颁发的职业成就奖得主,该奖项为NSF为美国杰出青年教授颁发的最高荣誉。