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    Mathematical theory of MAD technology

    发布日期:2020-05-29     作者:数学学院      编辑:赵阳     点击:

    报告题目:Mathematical theory of MAD technology

    报 告 人:刘宏宇 教授 香港城市尊龙凯时

    报告时间:2020年6月4日下午 2:00-3:00

    报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:354 736 684





    In this talk, I shall describe the recent progress of our mathematical study onthe magnetic anomaly detections (MAD) using geomagnetic monitoring. Weformulate the problem as different inverse problems in several scenarios ofpractical interest. We establish the unique identifiability results and thecorresponding arguments are constructive which readily yield numericalreconstruction schemes. The results may have potential applications insubmarine detection and underground minerals identification.


    Hongyu Liu is aProfessor at the Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong.Before taking up the current position, he worked as a Professor and theAssociate Head at the Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University(2014-2020). Prior to that, he held faculty positions at University of NorthCarolina, Charlotte, USA (2011-2014), University of Reading, UK (2010/11), andUniversity of Washington, Seattle, USA (2007-2010). He obtained his PhD inMathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2007). His researchfocuses on the analysis, computation and applications of inverse problems, waveimaging, partial differential equations, mathematical materials science,scattering theory and spectral theory. His significant research prizes includethe HKMS Young Scholar Award by Hong Kong Mathematical Society (2019), theCalderon Prize by the Inverse Problems International Association (2017) and theMediaV Prize in ICIP16 (2016).

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