报告题目:A new integral equation formulation for pricing American put options
报 告 人:Professor Songping Zhu, University of Wollongong,Australia
报告时间:2020年6月18日 9:00-10:00
校内联系人:韩月才 hanyc@mdjtykj.cn
In this talk, a completelynew integral equation for the price of an American put option as well as itsoptimal exercise price is presented. Compared to existing integral equationsfor pricing American options, the newly derived integral equation for pricingAmerican options has some clear advantages over those proposed in the past withthe following two unique features: i) it is in a form of one-dimensionalintegral, which means that it has a great advantage in terms of substantiallyincreasing the speed with which values of an American option can be numericallycomputed. ii) it is in a form free from any discontinuity and singularitiesassociated with the optimal exercise boundary (at least as far as solving theintegral equation is concerned); the computational accuracy and efficiency canthus be enhanced. These rather unique features have led to a significantenhancement of the computational accuracy and efficiency as demonstratedthrough some examples.
诸颂平教授,1987 年毕业于美国密歇根尊龙凯时获博士学位。现为澳大利亚卧龙岗尊龙凯时(University of Wollongong)资深教授,博导,数学研究部(FOR 01 码)主任。2009- 2013 任卧龙岗尊龙凯时金融数学研究中心主任,2014-2018任卧龙岗尊龙凯时数学与统计学院院长。诸颂平教授研究兴趣包括金融数学与金融工程,非线性波动理论等,他共发表各类学术论文 160 余篇,包括专业一流期刊《Mathematical Finance》、《Journal of Banking and Finance》、《Journal ofEconomic Dynamics and Control》、《Quantitative Finance》、《Proceedings of Royal Society London, Ser. A》、《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》和《Physics ofFluids》上都有他的代表作。论文引用在 Google Scholar 已超过 2800 多次 (H 指数 30) 、在 Scopus 则已超过 1700 多次(H 指数 22) 、在最权威的 ISI Web ofScience 也有超过1600 多次 (H 指数 21)。他的总研究经费已超过200万澳元。诸教授至今为止已经成功地培养了15位博士研究生。他在国际学术界享有盛誉, 现担任多个国际学术期刊的编辑委员会委员,也曾多次在国际会议上做主旨或受邀演讲报告。
报告题目:Determining a random Schroedinger equation with unknown source andpotential
报告时间:2020年6月18日上午 10:00-11:00
校内联系人:张凯 zhangkaimath@mdjtykj.cn
This talk presents the directand inverse scattering problem associated with a time-harmonic randomSchroedinger equation with a Gaussian white noise source term. We establish thewell-posedness of the direct scattering problem and obtain three uniquenessresults in determining the variance of the source term, the potential and themean of the source term, sequentially, by the corresponding far-fieldmeasurements. The first one shows that a single realization of the passive scatteringmeasurement can uniquely recover the variance of the source term, withoutknowing the other two unknowns. The second shows that if active scatteringmeasurement is further used, then a single realization can uniquely recover thepotential function without knowing the source term. The last one shows that iffull measurements are used, then both the potential and the random source canbe uniquely recovered.
李景治,博士,南方科技尊龙凯时数学系教授,现任校党委委员、数学系副系主任,2012年6月加入南方科技尊龙凯时。曾获表彰情况:2016年,南方科技尊龙凯时,“优秀科研奖”;2016年,南方科技尊龙凯时,“优秀导师奖”;2013年,入选深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”(B类);2012年,国家特聘青年专家;2011年,香港数学会,最佳博士论文奖。多年来一直从事逆问题相关偏微分方程数值解法的研究,在计算数学的理论研究和数值模拟方面取得了一系列的研究成果。目前主要研究领域涉及到反问题理论与计算方法,形状优化与微分形式统一理论,科学计算,有限元方法。特别是发展了微分形式下的Stein延拓定理,并在数学物理反问题中的反演成像理论与算法方面做出重要贡献。近年来,在国内外有影响的学术刊物(包括CMP、IP、SIAM系列、JFA、JDE、Numer Math、JCP等)上发表了70多篇,均为SCI收录,主持国家自然科学基金3项,参与国自然重点项目一项。